A revolutionary new product that will make you want to clean your makeup brushes

A revolutionary new product that will make you want to clean your makeup brushes

Back in my NYC days, being escorted to beauty events in a car service was an almost daily occurrence. Now that I’m a Florida resident, not so much. The lack of launch events in my area makes them that much more exciting when they do pop up, so I was obviously super-psyched when Sigma Beauty invited me to a mansion on the water in Fort Lauderdale to celebrate their latest game-changing product, Sigmatic Brushampoo (with my bestie, no less).

The well-deserved fanfare surrounding this launch included Hawaiian dancers, a lovely al fresco dinner for about 40, YouTubers flown in from around the world and one-on-one time with Sigma’s gracious founders, Simone Xavier and Rene Xavier Filho. (Their backgrounds are pretty amazing—read more about them here.) Then we got down to the real reason we were all there…

Obviously Sigma is a makeup, brush and accessories go-to for professionals and amateurs alike, so naturally it only made sense for the brand to offer an actual brush cleanser to help keep your tools in tip-top shape. The Sigmatic Brushampoo isn’t a facial cleanser sold as a brush cleanser (although you can use it on your face if you’d like)—it’s a 100% natural coconut oil and palm oil blend that effectively dissolves makeup, oil and anything else lingering in your brushes without damaging natural or synthetic bristles. It’s also fragrance-, paraben- and sulfate-free and provides an antimicrobial boost to ensure brushes are practically like new after cleansing.

I tried it for the first time this last weekend and I was amazed at how effective it is. It took half the time it usually takes to wash my brushes and rinses completely away with practically no effort. After spending the night in my new Dry’N Shape Tower (thanks for the awesome goody bag, too!) it was like I had a brand-new batch of brushes that I couldn’t wait to use.

If you have yet to experience Sigma Beauty, hop over to their site to see the incredible array of makeup and tools they offer… And the best part of all, everything is reasonably priced so you can step up you’re makeup game in a big way without breaking the bank! 

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