Extend the life of your lash extensions

Extend the life of your lash extensions

Full disclosure: I have never tried lash extensions. I’ve tinted and permed my natural lashes and enhanced them with growth serums, but other than a one-night stand with false lashes here are there, I tend to stick with my own. But I know lots of ladies who use lash extensions to save themselves a step in the morning (and have envy-inducing lashes 24/7), so this post (and the EndureLash x LAshX Cleansing Kit) is for you!


If you’ve ever worn extensions, you know there are a lot of dos and don’ts to help them last. Rule number one is no oil-based anything near your lashes. This can make makeup removal tricky. Enter EndureLash LAshX Lash Cleanse, a gentle, 100% oil-free cleanser that whisks away makeup and bacteria without compromising the bonding agent that keeps those faux lashes where you want them. Use with the EndureLash Cleansing Cloth, which features a unique fabric that minimizes snagging and pulling, in turn minimizing lash loss.

Then there’s the matter of drying your eyes after washing, and a regular towel can be too rough on extensions. EndureLash’s Drying Cloth features 100% organic cotton terry that absorbs excess water without excessing wiping, and it also helps restore your extensions’ feathery look after cleansing.

So if you just can’t live without your extensions—and you want to help them last as long as possible between maintenance appointments—perhaps it’s time to rethink how you wash and dry your eyes.

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