This drugstore mascara is simply marvelous

This drugstore mascara is simply marvelous

I had some time to kill before picking my son up from school the other day so I decided to do a little browsing at Walgreens. It’s been a while since I perused the new mascara offerings since I recently bought yet another Charlotte Tilbury Full Fat Lashes (so good) as well as M.A.C.’s Upward Lash (after thoroughly enjoying a sample). It’s also been a while since I had a fiber mascara in the rotation, so I immediately zeroed in on CoverGirl’s Super Sizer Fibers—and boy am I glad I did. 


My new daytime go-to (because for some reason I still feel compelled to save the “good” stuff), it’s almost like this mascara was made with my life in mind. It does an amazing job at separating and lengthening, and since it’s fiber-based there’s no flaking or smudging. This means I can apply it at the crack of dawn, go to Pilates, grind through the rest of my day, and still have long, separated lashes by the time I collapse around 9pm. The look is definitely more on the natural side, but a major step up from wearing no mascara at all. And the brush is interesting in that it has short barely-there plastic bristles, so don’t expect an explosion of fluffiness upon your first use.

I got the regular “Black” instead of the “Very Black,” which probably yields a slightly less conspicuous end result, but it’s also available in “Black Brown” and “Brown” for those of you who like to go a bit lighter. (Who came up with this nomenclature?)

The next time you find yourself with a little extra time on your hands, and conveniently close to a drugstore or supermarket, I highly suggest you pick this up. It might be the best thing that happens to you all day…  

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