Glossier’s latest definitely doesn’t disappoint

Glossier’s latest definitely doesn’t disappoint

The beauty world goes just little crazy whenever Glossier drops a new product, whether skincare, makeup or fragrance. I’ll admit I get caught up in the frenzy myself and it’s hard to resist (at least) checking out the product online, although there’s usually a post-viewing purchase as well. So when the Lidstar cream shadows bowed a few weeks ago (not-so-coincidentally after they were used on a bevy of celebrities for the Oscars—brilliant PR move, BTW), I found myself promptly adding to cart.

I currently own Glossier’s Stretch Concealer (awesome) and Generation G lip stain in “Crush,” and I blew through a bottle of the Perfecting Skin Tint in record time, so I had no doubt I’d be into Lidstar. This cream shadow comes in a tube with a doe-foot applicator, which means no brushes are required (yay!). It falls somewhere between an eye gloss and full-on shadow, but the color is totally buildable so you can decide how intense you want to go.


I strayed from my every-day comfort zone with the “Fawn” and “Cub” shades, which are darker-than-I'm-used-to taupe/violet/gold and rose gold (respectively)—and low and behold, they are totally and beautifully wearable any time of day. Just a light swipe adds the perfect bit of polish along with a coat of mascara, and I’ve also dialed up an evening look or two by topping my more dramatic eyeshadow with one of these shimmery washes.

I highly suggest taking advantage of the Lidstar Duo option, because who wants to pick just one when you can save six bucks and get two? Trust me, deciding which shades to get is the hardest part about this amazing new addition to all of our makeup arsenals!

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