A perfect (and long-lasting) bouquet for Mother’s Day

A perfect (and long-lasting) bouquet for Mother’s Day

Still haven’t gotten around to finding the perfect gift for Mom? Sure, you still have plenty of time to place an order with your local florist, but wouldn’t a bouquet of flower-inspired makeup brushes be so much better (and more useful)?


I can’t get over how cute this MODA Brushes Bouquet Kit is… You get a peony powder brush, calla lily contour brush and lotus fan brush—and they’ll last way longer than the five or so days you get from real flowers. To give your gift a little extra oomph, pop them in a chic vase Mom will be excited to display on her vanity.

You’ll definitely want to pre-order this blowdryer

You’ll definitely want to pre-order this blowdryer

Give your skin an ultrasonic boost

Give your skin an ultrasonic boost