Maximize your beauty sleep

Maximize your beauty sleep

Sleep supplements have been a game-changer for me. I’ve tried several over the past few months and have noticed a tremendous difference in how quickly I doze off, as well as the quality of my slumber. I truthfully couldn’t ask for anything more (or at least I didn’t think I could), but then HUM Nutrition’s Mighty Night came along.

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Yes, this formula promotes restful sleep with valerian root, but that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. The big news here is that these supplements are also formulated with ceramides, CoQ10, and ferulic acid to create a skin-rejuvenating cocktail in softgel form.

The purported results? A boost in cellular renewal, improved tone and texture, enhanced hydration and free-radical-fighting while you sleep. These claims are pretty much on-par with those associated with the skincare products I apply before bed, so it definitely couldn’t hurt to try to achieve these goals from within as well.

Think about it… You’re just lying there for six, seven or (hopefully) eight hours, so why not make the most of this downtime? I’m all about multitasking, and now I can do it while I sleep—and wake up to smoother, more supple skin!

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