Beauty advice at your fingertips

Beauty advice at your fingertips

When I sit down to plan my upcoming posts (yes, there’s a method to my madness), my first goal is to share interesting, innovative and under-the-radar products you might not otherwise hear about. Of course I use myself as a guinea pig as much as possible, and I truly hope you appreciate and benefit from all my “hard” work. 

At the same time, I don’t expect you to take my word as gospel, and I understand you might turn to other sources for advice or reviews. If that’s the case, I recommend the Mira Beauty app. When you first register, you’re asked several questions about your skin and complexion, the types of products you’re interested in (makeup and skincare), and topics such as #bestproduct, #beautytips, #beginner, #holygrail, etc.


From there, the app customizes a feed that includes questions from the community you might be able to chime in on, personalized product recommendations, popular conversations and Mira-generated content that just might strike your fancy.

Although I’d never say that the Mira app is a replacement for reading my site or weekly emails (and again, thank for all of your support!), but if you need a bit of beauty advice (and we’re not on textable terms), this is a great way to get the info you’re looking for. And remember you can always email and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can!

Have you ever thought about cleaning your actual makeup?

Have you ever thought about cleaning your actual makeup?

A new, gorgeous way to lash out

A new, gorgeous way to lash out