This scent is a welcome blast from the past

This scent is a welcome blast from the past

I have an uncanny ability to remember just about every perfume I’ve ever worn going back to elementary school—and I can even place each scent on the timeline that is my life. Back in 2003, I was living the high life as a magazine beauty editor in New York City, and although I could have called in any fragrance I wanted (and had it messengered to my office within an hour—kind of like the OG Amazon), Clean perfume (as in “The Original”) was in heavy rotation.

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I still gravitate toward fresh-out-of-the-shower scents with almost-indiscernible notes, and more than 15 years later, I’m wearing Clean again. The best part is, it’s now available as an eau de parfum so you get even more staying power—and all the more olfactory satisfaction. Next time you’re feeling nostalgic, skip the old photo albums and buy this instead. (Oh, and now Clean is actually “clean,” meaning there are no potentially questionable ingredients.)

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