Never be without grippy socks again

Never be without grippy socks again

Anyone who does Pilates on at least a semi-regular basis knows the importance of grippy socks—and the annoyance that occurs when they lose their stickiness. I’ve tried everything from washing them inside out and letting them air-dry to “refreshing” their grip with E6000 Spray Adhesive (which is apparently a ballet dancer hack). Despite my preservation efforts, I still have to replace my socks every few months, so when Pointe Studio announced a subscription program I jumped right on it.


It’s super-simple: For $30 every three months (or $99 for a year), you get three new pairs—and you can choose from all full-foot or a mix of full-foot, strap and open styles. (Just so you know, Pointe Studio does not offer toe socks.) I was thrilled with my first box, especially the smiley face ruffled ones and am already looking forward to my next batch!

Yes, you can air-dry your hair

Yes, you can air-dry your hair

Consider your combination skin covered

Consider your combination skin covered