Just when I was about to give up on false lashes…

Just when I was about to give up on false lashes…

“Can’t” is not a word I use very often—except for when it comes to liquid eyeliner and applying false eyelashes. As many times as I try, I inevitably fail, and wind up more convinced that these eye-area enhancements just aren’t meant to be (for me, at least). Yet every now and again I get inspired to take another shot, and I can thank Lashify’s Fuse Control Wand for making me want to revisit my rather extensive (but currently useless) stash of false lashes.


I’ve had many makeup artists tell me that tweezers are a must for applying strips and clusters of false lashes—but this tool is most definitely not designed for plucking. As you can see, the handle is curved to hug the contours of your cheek, eyelid and nose bridge to help you place lashes precisely—and the non-slip tip maintains its grip until they are successfully placed.

As the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” and this tool may be just what I need for false-eyelash success!

Don’t let these heat-related concerns get you down

Don’t let these heat-related concerns get you down

The perfect back-to-school skincare

The perfect back-to-school skincare