The low-carb snacks I'm crushing right now

The low-carb snacks I'm crushing right now

I am definitely more of a small-meals-and-snacks than a major-meal person. I think this is mainly due to my IBS-induced fear of gastric distress—in addition to a dash of laziness, probably because I generally prepare three full meals for my son (and one for my husband) every damn day. After all that food prep, I’m cooked and don’t have the energy or creativity to whip something up for myself. (Hence the Tupperware of grilled chicken you’ll find in my refrigerator at all times.)

I also go through food “stages,” whether paleo, keto or low-carb because I’ve found my metabolism needs a reset from time to time or else it gets a little lazy, too. I’ve gradually transitioned from hard-core keto to a more flexible low-carb diet, and I’m come across some pretty amazing treats. I actually made a Whole Foods run today to restock, and here’s what came home with me… 


Smart Sweets
For whatever reason, I was introduced to Swedish Fish later in life than most, and once I tried them, I was hooked. But they are a rare treat because candy most certainly isn’t in my regular food rotation. Then I tried Smart Sweets’ Sweet Fish and I can’t imagine my life without them. I love the taste and the texture is not that far off from the real thing. But don’t freak when you read the nutrition facts and see 42g of carbs, because when you do the math (by subtracting the fiber and allulose) each bag only has 12 net carbs. I’ve also tried the Peach Rings, but I’ll stick with the Sweet Fish.

Moon Cheese.png

Moon Cheese
I could probably subsist on cheese alone—but obviously I’m not. I can totally inhale half a block in a sitting, which is why I stick to cheese sticks, Babybel and those little bries from Trader Joe’s for portion control. But these nuggets of yumminess have become a go-to, especially when I want something crunchy.


Emmy’s Organics
I like a good cookie, too—but they’re somewhat hard to come by when trying to limit carbs. The Peanut Butter version was the first I tried and it was love at first bite, and today I scooped up a bag of Chocolate Chip. Just know these are very coconut-y (like Passover macaroon coconut-y) in case that’s not your jam.


Rhythm Superfoods Cauliflower Bites
I bought these on a whim, not sure how they were going to be, and I’m so glad I did. Crunchy, flavorful and a great alternative to chips (because I love dip, too), I my life wouldn’t be complete without these. I get the Sea Salt because I’m not a fan of buffalo anything—and I’m repulsed by white cheddar dust (despite my affinity for everything else cheese-based) because I must have eaten too much Smartfood in the 90s.

The only downside of these snacks: They’re kind of pricey, which is why I keep them in a dedicated bin in the pantry that my son and husband know they aren’t allowed to touch. What are your favorite low-carb snacks when you have the munchies?

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