If you have a hard time choosing face masks, this line is for you

If you have a hard time choosing face masks, this line is for you

As my collection of face masks for venturing out grows, so doesn’t my need for at-home treatments to offset the effects. I have a drawer stocked with a variety of options and I usually have to rifle through them looking for the purifying/exfoliating/hydrating product for skin needs. Sometimes it would be nice to find the one I need based on my skin’s current mood just with a cursory glance. Then Faace came along…


Essentially skincare masks for dummies, the line’s three existing offerings include Period Faace, Tired Faace and Sweaty Faace—and you can pretty much deduce what each one is for. I can think of at least one instance when I needed each of these just this week (and it’s only Thursday).

And just so you know, these vegan, “clean” masks are formulated for these specific concerns regardless of skin type. For example, if you get a pre-period breakout, odds are it’s going to look the same whether you have oily skin or dry skin. And let’s face it, fatigue does not discriminate by skin type either. And perhaps most pertinent at the moment, we could all use Sweaty Faace since we’re all wearing masks while out and about. The sheer fact that deciding which one to use is so simple is a major plus in my book. (And you can bundle all three and get 15% off.)

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