Dogs need dry shampoo, too

Dogs need dry shampoo, too

Once upon a time, my biggest goal in life was to have a standing manicure appointment like my mom’s (11am every Thursday), but, alas, our dog Nugget beat me to it. I’ve never been very good about brushing my dogs, and although I stay on top of her grooming, going one week too long can lead to the dreaded shave. (I’ve learned this the hard way, several times). Now, Alan comes to our house in the Bow Wow truck every fourth Wednesday—and we haven’t had to shave Nugget down since (except for the time she had a wear the cone of shame for three weeks).

Despite her solid grooming schedule, there are times when she gets a little stinky (I don’t do baths either, unless absolutely necessary) and I have a great dog “Febreze” that freshens her right up. But about a week before Alan is due for a visit, the hair on the top of her head starts to look greasy and falls into a part down the middle. Not that it really matters (it’s not like she’s going anywhere or seeing anyone—kind of like me), but I have actually considered giving her a spritz of dry shampoo.


Then today, I came across Rowan (via Goop) and I feel reassured that I’m not that crazy. Yup, this clean, human-grade line of haircare, or rather fur-care, indeed includes a dry shampoo for dogs. You’ll also find different shampoos for fur (the stuff that sheds) and hair (like Nugget’s that requires regular brushing and trimming), a scented coat-conditioning mist and a shimmery, shine-enhancing cream (I shit you not). 

Even if you’re not in the market for prestige dog-grooming products you could probably use a smile, so do yourself a favor and check out the homepage. Enjoy!

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