A lot of ladies will be happy about this new Nutrafol formula

A lot of ladies will be happy about this new Nutrafol formula

Any sort of hair thinning or loss can be traumatic, and many of us will go to any length to get those follicles going again. I had my own hair-shedding freak-out early this year (thanks, COVID stress) that I was able to mitigate with Rene Furterer’s Triphasic Strengthening Shampoo, Texturizing Conditioner and Vitalfan Reactional Dietary Supplement. Unfortunately I had to stop taking the supplements when I was diagnosed with cancer, but you can get them 50% off right now by clicking the link above!

I’ve always seen amazing results while taking Nutrafol hair-growth supplements, and I really wish the new Postpartum was around after I squeezed out the 8.5-pound watermelon that is now known as my son. Not only did pregnancy do a number on my body—my hair wasn’t having it after giving birth either. And apparently, according to the American Pregnancy Association, 50% of women experience shedding roughly three to four months after giving birth.

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Developed with an OB/GYN, Nutrafol’s Postpartum supplements target several “root” causes of hair loss during this stage of life, including dietary shortcomings as well as physical and emotional stress—and of course they are safe to take while breastfeeding. And you can even start popping them before you even leave the hospital as an attempt to prevent postpartum hair shedding in the first place.

My baby-making days may be over, but if yours aren’t, add these supplements to your list right after whatever the “trendy,” wildly-overpriced stroller is these days.

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