How hard-working is your bottled water?

How hard-working is your bottled water?

For something as simple as two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, bottled water can be rather polarizing. There are those people (like myself) who avoid plastic bottles unless absolutely necessary, and those who avoid or only drink certain brands. (Fiji is my favorite, Evian is a hard no.)

There’s no shortage of waters infused with everything from electrolytes to antioxidants, and, of course, vitamins—but they are few and far between in the “premium” (i.e. fancy) water space. Recognizing this opportunity, VOSS Water has introduced VOSS+, and I’ll definitely be trying them the next time I’m out-and-about and feeling parched.

I’m especially interested in the VOSS+ Vitamin D since my oncologist has me taking 4000 IU (100 mcg) every day. One bottle of this enhanced water offers 10 mcg—which is 50% of a “normal” person’s recommended daily intake—and although I won’t be drinking 10 bottles a day in lieu of taking supplements, it couldn’t hurt to add this calorie-free, citrus-flavored water into the mix. The range also includes VOSS+ Collagen (with 10 grams in each bottle) with a berry “essence” and VOSS+ Aquamin with electrolytes and 74 trace minerals.

We all know the importance of drinking enough water and staying hydrated, so why not get even more out of it?

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