TikTok was late to the party on this lipstick

TikTok was late to the party on this lipstick

I seldom need reassurance that I know my beauty “stuff”—but it’s nice to get it nonetheless. In case you haven’t heard, TikTok is a hotbed of trending skincare and makeup, though I’ll admit my experience with the app is limited to posts my son sends me (usually dogs, and more recently, the “Devious Licks” challenge). For the record, I do not condone the destruction of school property, but will admit that I find it hysterical that kids are stealing URINALS from school. I also find it extremely troubling that these kids will be running the world when I’m in my golden years.

Anyway, when this story about Clinique’s “Black Honey” popped up in my CNN feed yesterday, my initial reaction was, “Tell me something I don’t know.” This was one of the very first real lipsticks I ever wore in 7th grade (pre-M.A.C.), and I’m so happy I bought it again (and wrote about it), two years ago before Generation Z caught wind of its enduring amazingness.


Like a tinted lip balm with the effect of a stain, Black Honey is feeling so perfect for right now—despite being launched in 1971. Everything old may be new again, but this sought-after lipstick never actually went anywhere.  

P.S. If you can’t wait for your pre-order to arrive, try NARS “Damage.” It’s a little more grape-y, but provides a similar wash of color and shine.

Because EVERYONE needs a clear lip gloss

Because EVERYONE needs a clear lip gloss

Your highlights called, and they want this shampoo

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