Back to school, back to [healthy] business

Back to school, back to [healthy] business

I’m not exaggerating, but my summer came to a screeching halt yesterday. Like going from waking up at my leisure with my son still at camp in the morning, scooping him up at the airport (yay!) in the afternoon, to getting into bed at 9pm and setting my alarm for 6:15am for the first day of school. Doesn’t that sound fun?


With a lot more free time on my hands this summer, I was great about working out (except for the 2 weeks we were on vacation), and I was pretty good about my diet—but I did more than my fair share of drinking. That’s why I decided today was the perfect day to get back into a healthier routine—and DeliverLean seemed like a great way to start. So last week I picked out my meals, and I had a cooler sitting on my doorstep when I woke up at the aforementioned 6:15am.

I’m only one meal in, and it was awesome. I went for the Paleo option so I got Almond Blueberry Pancakes with Organic Maple Agave Syrup (see below). I’m going to have a California Quinoa Bowl for lunch after I post this, and then I have some sort of Balsamic Chicken situation for dinner. As we like to say in our family, “Meal to meal, baby!”


BTW, I went to the gym this morning for cardio and weights (my new Apple Watch is a major piece of the motivation puzzle) so I’m definitely on track for getting the school year off to a healthy start. The only thing I’m still on the fence about is my supplements… I’m thinking of tossing all of mine and starting over after finding a brand called Hum on Goop (don’t hate me). As we all know, supplements can be confusing, but not when they are designed for specific needs and concerns. With the ability to shop by Anti-Aging, Blemishes + Acne, Cleanse + Detox (yes, please!), Weight + Body (Hello!) and Hair + Nails, I’m kind of sold. (But if that’s still too much for you, you can take a quick quiz that helps determine the best supplements for you—and you get $10 off your first order!)

I truly had an amazing summer and I’m definitely sorry to see it go, but with school back in session (and my boy back home), things are looking good. Plus, there’s only 311 days until camp starts again!

Vacation vibes anytime

Vacation vibes anytime

Can’t find the perfect shade of lipstick? Make your own!

Can’t find the perfect shade of lipstick? Make your own!