Be mindful of your blonde this summer

Be mindful of your blonde this summer

Don’t hate me, but I’m sitting in the lobby of the SLS Baha Mar in the Bahamas writing this, enjoying the balmy breeze after a day of swimming with dolphins and fun in the sun. Yet as I remember the look of surprise on my son’s and husbands faces when I dunked my head in the ocean, I’m wondering how much damage today’s salt and chlorine did to my hair. Yes, I applied a protective oil throughout the day, and used more after I washed and slicked my hair back—but as many of you know I have post-platinum PTSD.

So as a little public service announcement, I’m sharing these five reasons blondes get brassy, courtesy of INOAR, the professional haircare line from Brazil.

1.     Chlorine strips the hair’s natural oils, resulting in loss of shine and flexibility. (Oops.)

2.     Too much sun exposure oxidizes and fades color. (Do I get points for using a protective oil?)

3.     Sulfate-based shampoos strip toner and color. (I’ll be reading the bottle I brought with me when I get back to the room.)

4.     Shampoos not formulated for blondes can turn hair brassy. (I’ll make a note to get a travel-sized bottle for my next vacation.)

5.     Excessive use of hot tools can cause color to fade faster. (At least I know I’m good with this one since I hardly ever blow-dry, especially during the summer.)


Apparently the solution to all of the above pitfalls for blonde hair is INOAR’s Absolut Speed Blond Shampoo and Conditioner with argan oil to keep strands smooth, shiny and hydrated. For extra color-reinforcement, the purple-hued Mask helps neutralize brassiness and prevent fading caused by the sun, chlorine and other environmental aggressors.

The only lip gloss you may ever need

The only lip gloss you may ever need

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