DIY dermaplaning? Yes! (And we’re giving away 4!)

Have you heard about dermaplaning? This office-based method of skin exfoliation is actually very simple (and very effective)—but it may sound a little scary. In a nutshell, a razor blade is used to shave off the uppermost layers of dead skin cells, in turn revealing fresh, radiant, baby-soft skin. Dermaplaning also offers another bonus… That pesky peach fuzz is removed along with those dull dead cells, which translates to even, streakless foundation application and (in my opinion) better skincare product penetration. But a few words to the wise… Dermaplaning requires specialized training, and it’s not legal in all states so it’s important to do your homework if you want to try it. But if homework isn’t you thing, you can replicate the results achieved with dermaplaning at home with Dermaflash!


There’s no such thing as having too many beauty tools, and this has been an amazing addition to my collection. Used once a week (at most), this handheld exfoliator uses a blade that the company calls an “Edge,” and mild sonic vibration to whisk away dead cells and peach fuzz in just a few minutes. First you cleanse your skin with the Prep product to remove any dirt or oil, then you gently glide the device over your face following the “map” that explains exactly how to do it. Although I’ve never experienced a bit of irritation, I still apply the hydrating Soothe post-treatment product before marveling at my supple, glowing skin.

You get 6 Edges when you purchase the Dermaflash, and there’s a reason… A new one is necessary each time you power-up the device to ensure it’s free of bacteria or debris from a previous treatment. (There’s a little plastic piece that breaks off when the Edge is inserted, and there’s no getting around it.)

Now if you don’t believe me… Consider these clinical study results:
      83% said their skin felt softer after using Dermaflash
      94% loved the way their skin felt after using Dermaflash
      89% said their make up application was easier after using Dermaflash
      78% felt they did not need to wear as much make up after using Dermaflash

And the best part is, we’re giving away 4 Dermaflash starter kits, which include the device, 6 Edges, Prep and Smooth (valued at $189 each)! To win, like us and share this post on Facebook, follow us and retweet on Twitter or follow us and regram on Instagram (just be sure to tag InsiderBeautyBuzz!)… We’ll randomly select 4 followers on Monday December 14! Good luck!

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