Put your best feet forward for fall

When I woke up a few mornings ago, my phone said it was a bone-chilling 65 degrees. That officially means I can wear boots with aplomb—and without fear of ridicule. But just because I’ve officially packed up the flip-flops until spring, that doesn’t mean I’ll let up on my smooth-sole routine, and last week I got a divine device that’s already made my feet that much more fabulous.

Just the device you need for your at-home beauty arsenal, Amope’s new Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File cuts down on the elbow grease necessary for achieving fabulous feet. This cordless, battery-powered sole-smoother has a crystal-encrusted head that effortlessly buffs away rough skin, leaving you with beyond-touchable toes—and it works wonders on dry, cracked heels. You can also see it working, as there’s no ignoring the fine dust that comes streaming off your feet.

If you’re fortunate enough to need minor smoothing, this device is definitely enough on its own. But working from home means I pad around sans shoes most of the time and this does a number on my feet. But with that said, the Amope is just what I needed to take my sole-saving regimen to the ultimate level. I’m devoted to my Microplane between pedicures, but although it easily eliminates significant dead skin buildup, it still leaves my feet rough to the touch. This device is the finishing touch I’ve been looking for to really smooth things over and leave my feet seriously silky.

Just when I thought this device was the answer to my pedi-prayers, I tried the Pedi Perfect Daily Moisturizer for Feet with Vitamin B3. All I can say is that this lightweight lotion is deceptively hydrating. At first I thought it would be incapable of hydrating my feet, but boy I was wrong. This seriously blows all of my other foot creams away.

If you’re obsessed with smooth soles like I am, this dynamic duo is for you… And I’m beyond happy I didn’t waste my money on that certain super-expensive sonic foot-smoothing tool!

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