The secret for happy feet this holiday season

If you haven’t already started your holiday shopping, your feet are about to be in for a rude awakening. Whether you’re hoofing it around the mall or strolling around SoHo, I bet even your most comfortable boots still do a number on your toes after an all-day retail marathon. Socks alone aren’t enough to keep my toes completely comfy, but since I found these somewhat-random Profoot Care Pump Pouches, my life has been significantly better.

Initially an impulse buy, I now slip on these gel-lined cushions whenever I’m wearing a pair of shoes that tend to irk me in some way by the end of the day. They also let me skip the socks and preserve my pedicure, which is a win-win in my book. (I live in South Florida after all, so I don’t exactly need socks to keep my feet warm.) You can also trim these protective pads if you’re wearing them with “low cut” flats or heels, but unfortunately I found they are too bulky for my Manolos. Regardless, they were a great investment that is sure to keep my feet happy through shopping and parties this holiday season—and well beyond.

A new reason to go red

This is how to help your makeup brushes last longer