My UltraShape journey from start to finish

I’ve never been happy with my stomach, not even at my slimmest. Despite a super-strict diet, I’ve always had a bulge that just wouldn’t budge, so I to give UltraShape a whirl at Baumann Cosmetic & Research Institute in Miami. Excited at the prospect of possibly being able to try the crop-top trend, my journey began back in June, and here’s a recap of my experience…

First treatment
The first order of business was determining whether I was a candidate for UltraShape or not. Since I was able to pinch (more than) an inch on my stomach, I was! Then I had “before” pictures taken from every angle, I was weighed and the circumference of my stomach was measured. In preparation for the treatment, surgical tape was used to basically smush all of my fat together in the center of my stomach (believe me, this wasn’t pretty), and stickers were placed around it so the machine would know where to target.

The actual treatment itself was relaxing. As a working mom, I can’t remember the last time I got to lay down in the middle of the day for 45 minutes! I didn’t feel anything except a little warmth in certain areas. Once I was untaped and cleaned up (similar to a sonogram, gel is used to help the hand piece glide over the skin), I was given my instructions… No alcohol for 72 hours (to help my liver process the destroyed fat cells), keep my diet high in protein and vegetables and low on the carbs and fat. She also recommended a skin-tightening lotion (I used SkinCeuticals Body Tightening Concentrate), and said a waist-trainer would help (I got Amia’s Active Band Waist Trainer from Finally, I made my next appointment for two weeks later.

Second treatment
My second appointment was the same as the first, minus the photos and measurements. I was asked if I noticed a difference and I said I wasn’t really sure—but I definitely saw results four days after the second treatment. I was shocked at how flat my stomach was!

Third treatment
This appointment was just like the others, and I continued to see results. My pants were definitely looser around the waist and I could literally feel the difference in my stomach when sitting at my desk (all day).

My final appointment
One month after my final treatment, I went back for my “after” photos and measurements. It turns out I lost one inch, and although that doesn’t sound like much, it really has made a big difference in how my clothes fit and more importantly, how I feel about myself. I’m really motivated to maintain the results because just like liposuction, if I don’t watch my diet the fat will go somewhere else (like my hips or thighs).

Anyone interested in UltraShape needs to know that this isn’t a means of weight loss. This treatment is ideal for people who eat healthy and exercise, and still have stubborn fat. Since I’m one of those people, I am thrilled with my UltraShape results—and the flatter tummy I’ve wanted for years!

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